Bodenham Parish Council
Planning applications
Two planning applications were considered at the January meeting of the Parish Council.
The applications were:
– 184426 – Land to the west of The Hawthorns, South of Green Acres, Badgers and Eastfields Farm: New detached 3-bedroom house and attached garage, including change of use of agricultural land to residential.
– 182236: Bodenham Lake Nature Reserve: Proposed re-profiling works to include: Southern land spit at the eastern end of the lake to be lowered and divided into three islands. Small island close to bird hide on the southern side of the lake will be cleared of trees, lowered and divided into three smaller islands. The southern half of the western island will be re-profiled and the material used to create a second small adjacent island.
The Parish Council made no objection to either application.
Litter Pick
An early reminder: the next litter picks will be held on Saturdays 23rd March and 2nd November.
Herefordshire Community Champions Awards
Do you know someone in Bodenham who could be nominated for one of the Herefordshire Community Champions Awards? The categories are Volunteer, Caring, Environment and Youth. For more information and to make a nomination visit the Herefordshire or Bodenham Parish Council websites, contact the Parish Clerk, or look at the noticeboards in Bodenham.
Notice about Notices
A polite request: if you put a notice on one the noticeboards, please take it down after the event (or whatever) it refers to.
A reminder: rather than putting yourself and others at risk by parking on the road outside the post office or hairdressers, make use of Bache’s kind offer to allow parking inside their entrance.
An outdoor Gym in Bodenham?
Would you like to use an outdoor gym? The Parish Council would like to know. Leaflets and a short questionnaire have been placed at various locations in Bodenham: details appear later in this issue of the Newsletter and on the parish website or can be obtained from the parish clerk. Please give us your views. Questionnaires can be returned in collection boxes at the Post Office and Saffrons Garage or electronically to the parish clerk.
Email list
The parish runs an email list for anyone wanting to be kept updated about news about the Parish Council and Herefordshire Council – and, occasionally, other matters relating to Bodenham. If you would like to join the list, email Chris Smith at [email protected] . You won’t be deluged with email and can unsubscribe at any time.
Minutes of Parish Council meetings…….
……..can be found on the Parish Council website – .
Parish Council meetings
Please note that the next meetings of the Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Mondays 4th February and 4th March at the Siward James Centre. Everyone is most welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and to raise any matters of concern during the slot reserved for this purpose. If you prefer, you can raise matters in advance by contacting Chris Smith, Parish Clerk, on 01568 797132 or by email at [email protected].
The parish website……
…….. is continually updated. Find the latest news on the Bodenham Neighbourhood Plan there. The Home page now shows a list of future events in chronological order, as well as the latest notices, addresses to go to, Parish Council minutes, and much more. Find out there about Bodenham past, present and future, local news and crime prevention alerts. is the website address. You can also find the Bodenham Newsletter there.
Would you like to see an
Outdoor Gym in Bodenham?
If so, the Parish Council wants your views. Please visit the Parish website at for further information, or pick up a leaflet. They will be at various locations and are also available from the Post Office, and Saffrons Garage .